Whether you are the proud owner of a fluffy new kitten or a longtime family cat, chances are good that you will have to make the decision whether to neuter your cat. neutering is both a simple surgical procedure and a controversial issue. There are many reasons to spay or neuter your cat.
As you might imagine, the question of whether or not your cat should be neutered depends on the circumstances and the particular cat in question.
As the Humane Society of the United States notes, there are many reasons why you might want to consider spaying or neutering your cat.
For starters, it can help prevent your cat from developing certain diseases and potentially fatal cancers, such as testicular cancer and breast cancer in females. Neutered cats are also less likely to develop certain behavioral problems, such as spraying, aggression, and urinating outside of the litter box.
What happens if you don’t neuter your cat?
Millions of cats are born in the U.S. every year, and many of those kittens are not spayed or neutered. This can lead to several health problems for the cats, as well as the communities they live in. Unneutered cats can develop roaming behaviors, and will sometimes leave their homes in search of mates.
This phenomenon is called “feline stray”; while the cats are typically found by animal control, it usually costs money and resources for the community to capture, house, and care for the animals. The best way to avoid this is to get your cat neutered (it’s an easy procedure!) as early as possible.
If you’re a pet owner, you know that cats are just as much a part of the family as anyone else. That’s why, if you plan to have your cat for a long time, you should definitely consider spaying or neutering your cat.
Spaying and neutering are routine surgical procedures done by veterinarians to prevent pets from reproducing, and since the majority of pet owners choose to spay and neuter their pets, adoption agencies and shelters won’t let you adopt until you do.
What are the benefits of neutering?
Neutering is a procedure usually performed by a veterinarian that involves removing the testicles of male cats. There are many benefits to neutering, including:
- Preventing unwanted litters of kittens,
- Reducing or eliminating male cat mating-related behaviors like spraying and yowling,
- Preventing male cats from developing certain types of cancers, and reducing the likelihood of certain behavior problems.
- If you do not want your cat to reproduce, neutering is a good choice. It will help prevent them from getting diseases and parasites that could harm the female cat or her kittens.
- Neutered cats are also less likely to run away because they won’t have mating urges anymore.
- Neutering an early age can increase socialization skills for cats as well as lessen aggression issues with other animals in the home or outside of it.
- The surgery may come at a higher cost than anticipated so keep this in mind when deciding on neutering early versus waiting until more mature years (typically around six months).
At what age should a male cat be neutered?
As pet owners, we are constantly faced with the challenge of making sure our pets are healthy and content. For many of us, that means not only ensuring they have the proper nutrition, but also obtaining the right balance between physical and mental stimulation. When it comes to feline companions, a common question is: At what age should a male cat be neutered?
The answer to this question is not always a simple one. There are many factors that should be taken into account when determining the best age for your cat to undergo neutering surgery – and those include breed, health status, as well as behavioral issues in regards to urinating outside of the litter box or sexual behaviors.
When it comes down to it though, there are both pros and cons associated with neuter surgeries at any given time point; so you may want to consider each situation on an individual basis before making a decision about what’s right for your pet.
Generally speaking, most male cats can be neutered between six months- three years old (or earlier if they’ve developed disorders).
The Humane Society says it is generally safe to neuter a cat before it is 6 months old, but it may be best to wait until your cat is between 1 and 2 years.
Neutering Aftercare: Things You Should And Shouldn’t Do For Your Neutered Cat
When you neuter your cat, it’s important to be mindful of the aftercare procedures. Your vet will have given you detailed instructions on how to care for your pet following the procedure but here are some general guidelines:
- If possible, take a few hours off work and listen to music or watch TV while keeping an eye out for signs that something is wrong (vocalizing loudly, refusing food). It should go without saying that you’ll need someone who can drive if anesthesia has been administered so they can stay with them when they come round from surgery.
- Make sure he eats straight away if not already offered by his nurse – this encourages better healing and less chance of infection.
- The most important thing you can do for your cat is to give him lots of love and lots of attention so he doesn’t feel lonely or abandoned.