The bath is a great way for your cat to keep clean, but it can be a difficult experience for them, especially if they’re not used to it.
If your cat has already had a bath, he’ll quickly learn that the tub is a great spot for a nice, long nap, but if he’s never experienced the pleasure of a bath, he might be a bit unsettled.
Although cat’s are notoriously clean animals, many cat owners find it difficult to keep their cats clean. Cats are extremely independent and have a low tolerance for water, which makes bathing them quite a challenge. Although they hate the water, cats do need to be bathed from time to time.
Are you supposed to give cats a bath?
The general consensus is that it’s not a good idea to give your cat a bath on a regular basis. Cat lovers will tell you that their pets hate baths, and many vets agree with this assessment.
It can be dangerous for cats in particular because the oils from their natural fur coat protect them against germs and fleas.
Not everyone agrees on this, but most veterinarians will tell you that it is OK to bathe a cat every once in a while. The key is to do it correctly.
If you don’t know much about caring for animals, then you might be afraid of hurting your cat when bathing her. The good news is that you don’t have to worry about hurting her as long as you follow these steps:
Bath Time! Why and How You Should Bathe Your Cat
Cats are clean animals, right? They groom themselves and don’t need baths. Well, that’s what you might think if you’ve never had a cat. Cats can get into some pretty nasty situations and they may need your help in order to keep them happy and healthy.
Pet owners should know how to bathe their cats properly! In this post, we will talk about how to bath a cat, why cats need baths and whether or not it is safe for cats to take baths.
In the days of yore, it was said that all animals were created with fur. That being so, they could take care of themselves and no such thing as bathing would be required.
It wasn’t until we started domesticating these furry creatures and bringing them closer to home that our thinking about this changed.
Cats are just one example in which some thought needs to go into washing their coats from time to time for health reasons or if they’ve been exposed to something dangerous like fleas or ticks. If left unchecked those things can make life difficult for both humans and pets alike!
Here’s what you need:
- A bucket
- Clean water (or a bathing solution)
- Towels or blankets
- Cat shampoo, if needed
- Kitty scrubber brush or animal-specific bath glove
First, find a place that’s safe for your cat to bathe. Bathrooms are usually okay as long as the water doesn’t get on any of the electrical outlets or anything else dangerous. A kitchen sink is also another viable option if it has enough room and you don’t mind getting wet!
Put towels down around where they’re going to be washing their coat so there isn’t too much risk of them slipping while trying to wash themselves off with soap and water!
Step 1: Help Your Cat Get Used to the Water
It is no secret that cats can sometimes be a little particular about hygiene. They can be a little picky about the water they drink. They can be very particular about having a clean litter, and most of all they can be very particular about the way they get clean. Bathing can be a huge ordeal for a cat.
Fill up a bucket with clean (or prepped) water and put some shampoo in if needed then fill up again until we have plenty of liquid for bathing purposes. You’ll want it deep enough so they can fully submerge themselves.
Add a little cat shampoo to the water and turn the water and the shampoo on low. If they’re still unsure, sprinkling some catnip into your hand or onto their fur before you start can help them get used to it as well! Once they realize how much fun bath time is, I’m sure all your problems will be solved.
Step 2: Use Warm Water and Consider Small Tubs
Cats are great for many reasons. For one, they’re adorable and typically don’t shed much. But, you’ve got to wash them. We’re not sure why the kitty cat attract so much fur, but it’s there.
If you have a cat, you know the struggle of getting them to take a bath. Luckily, you can make the bath time process easier on you and your cat by using warm water, a washcloth, and a small tub.
First, fill the tub up with warm water that’s about the temperature of their usual drinking water. Next, add a little cat shampoo to the water and turn the water and the shampoo on low.
However, if your cat is like mine, they love water! They love to drink it, play in it, and even get into the bath with you! So you may be wondering how you’re going to get your cat to take a bath without having to fight them the whole time.
Step 3: Wet Your Cat’s Fur and Shampoo
- Submerge your cat in the water and use a dishwashing brush or sponge to wet their fur.
- Rub shampoo into their skin for about one minute per side of their body, then rinse them off with the warm bathwater. Don’t forget that you’ll need to clean all four paws as well!
Do not let cats drink too much water at once because it is important they don’t get an upset stomach from drinking so quickly after eating.
Step 4: Rinse Thoroughly
Your cat or dog’s bath time should be an enjoyable and relaxing experience for them. Although some pets are more than willing to jump in and get wet right away, others will need some encouragement.
Whether you are bathing your pet for the first time or you have to bathe him/her regularly due to problems such as allergies, the process should be as stress-free and simple for your pet as possible.
One minute per side of their body, then rinse them off with the warm bathwater. Don’t forget that you’ll need to clean all four paws as well!
Step 5: Wash Your Cat’s Face
There are several ways to help your cat avoid irritating their face after they have been washed. It is important to know that cats have a very sensitive nose, and that the oils from your hands can be very irritating to their skin.
In addition, cats have very delicate skin, and the products in your soap or body wash can be very irritating to them.
In order to help your cat, use a washcloth with warm water and gently rub their face. Don’t forget the ears! It is also important that you don’t let them lick themselves after they have been washed, because there aren’t any oils on their skin to protect it from irritation due to the soap.
If your cat does begin licking itself clean afterwards, make sure you take care of this by using cotton balls or gauze pads dipped in witch hazel or diluted tea tree oil-tea tree oil has natural antiseptic properties and will calm down any inflammation quickly if it arises.
Step 6: Take Your Cat Out of the Tub
Cats are naturally clean animals and well-known for their grooming habits. As such, it is no surprise that the majority of your cat’s bathing will consist of lapping up water from its bowl and then grooming itself to get every last drop of moisture.
This licking will not only remove dirt from your cat’s fur, but also distribute the oils from the sebaceous glands in its skin.
However, your cat will also need to be bathed from time to time, and it is important that you know how to do this correctly to avoid causing discomfort and even pain.
Once in the tub, your cat may not want to come out. Hold the cat and offer her/him treats. Many cats will relent and allow you to give them a quick rinse. However, your cat may still resist. This may be a good time for you to consider just how fun the bath was for your cat.
Do Indoor cats need baths?
Indoor cats don’t need to be bathed as often. However, it is important that they are still occasionally given a bath.
This will help remove dirt and prevent any accumulation of dead skin cells which may lead to hairballs or other problems with their health. It can also help keep the cat’s fur healthy by redistributing sebaceous oils from its skin onto the fur.